Our Business Principles

Maintaining Our Values

Fleet Rofhas Organisation’s business principles are based on our values. We cherish our integrity and are guided by our values in all our operations.

Taking Responsibility

We are committed to creating long-term value for our customers, shareholders, employees and society. We need to make sustainable profits if our business is to thrive.

Our focus is the success of our customers, associates and affiliates. We need to provide them with high-quality services at a reasonable cost. These services must result in achieving high health, safety and environmental standards.

Shareholders should expect and receive competitive returns on their investments.

Our employees deserve to work in an attractive place, in safe and healthy conditions. We aim to hire the best people for the job and to encourage them to develop personally and professionally. We do not tolerate harassment or the exploitation of children.

Free Enterprise

We support free enterprise and fair competition. We aim to meet our customers, associates and affiliates' need faster, better and more distinctively than our competitors. So we compete hard but fairly, within the framework of competition laws.

Business Integrity

We insist on integrity and fairness in business dealings:

Community Activities

We encourage our employees to get involved in community activities, as long as it does not lead to a conflict of interest. We do not make payments to political parties, their institutions, agencies or representatives.


Unless absolute confidentiality is required, we are committed to communicate in an open, factual and timely way.
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